I know it’s terrible, but I’ve even thought of deleting myself before. You know, just wiping out my insignificant existence from the infinite web-like world, and hoping for redemption one day. After all, what am I but a bunch of ones and zeros that form silly words with etymological roots in the languages of prehistoric invertebrates and an occasionally-interested parent blogger?
Who am I? My given name is Up the Creek. Last name: Without a Platypus. And I am the lonely and neglected weblog of the heartless –c.
She has abandoned me for almost two weeks now. She has probably forgotten me.
She has left me feeling deserted when I most needed guidance. She has ignored me when I felt most alone. Oh, woe is me, and my connected offspring!
Sad Up the Creeek
Dear My Weblog (first name: Up the Creek, surname: Without a Platypus),
How are you? This is -C here. I have been thinking of you often, but haven’t had the chance to visit.
I’m sorry I have neglected you recently, but I was burdened by the visit of a houseguest and a long weekend trip to Vancouver. I had an amazing cross-border adventure despite the breakdown of our car. The visit was complete with friendly Canadians, reassuring mechanics and inquisitive Passport-Requirers.
I wish you had been there.
Despite my absence, my love for you is as emotionally muscled as ever,
Big heart,
***Pictures again shamelessly stolen from Mr. E